Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Understand the likely types of soft tissue and bony injuries for each age group. Be able to judge if these relate appropriately to the stated mechanism of injury. Be aware of rheumatological, infectious, malignant and non-accidental causes of musculoskeletal presentations
Our ever-creative PEM registrars came up with some teaching cards using medicolegal and patient outcomes to highlight the implication that mismanaged minors cases can have on the children we see.
After the success of our original Cards Against Paediatric Orthopaedics series we’ve decided to add some more cases, but in two new editions… Upper AND Lower cases!
A collection of regional video presentations given at our recent virtual PEM study day on all things paediatric minor injury-related!
After the success of our original Cards Against Paediatric Orthopaedics series we’ve decided to add some more cases, but in two new editions… Upper AND Lower cases!
Neck of femur fracture is considered one of the most common presentations to the ED as a result of a fall from standing height. Find out what happens next with this week’s #LightningLearning.
A large muscular 15-year-old adolescent is walked in by hospital security clutching a blood-soaked sheet with a knife sticking out his right leg.
In situ simulation is integral to supporting improvement and safety in the high-risk area of emergency medicine.
Our totally original orthopaedic card game is back with even more cases and a paediatric twist!
Multi-vehicle road traffic accident with side on collision. 8-year-old in rear passenger seat. C-spine immobilised, pain identified in left chest, left lower abdomen and left hip.
Osgood-Schlatter disease is a self-limiting disorder causing anterior knee pain in 20% of children that participate in sports.
Can you match the Presentation to the Examination Findings, Diagnosis, X-ray and Management Plan? Any resemblance to an existing game is purely coincidental!
Hip or neck of femur fractures often result from a fall onto the hip and are mostly frailty-related.
Buckle or Torus fractures are a common type of forearm fracture seen in children between the ages of five and ten.
The clavicle is commonly fractured following a fall onto the shoulder, though occasionally resulting from a fall onto an outstretched hand.
The Ottawa Knee Rules are a set of criteria, which guide a clinician as to when an x-ray of the knee is required.
Does your patient really need that ankle x-ray? Luckily there is a handy ruleset that can help you decide!
Day 3 of our PEST Day #Simblogs: Know Your Final Destination
It's time for more Paediatric Emergency Simulation Training (aka PEST). Five MDT cases all in one day!
14-year-old pedestrian hit by a van in hit & run incident at at least 40mph. Loss of consciousness at scene. Scooped & ran as felt too unstable for transfer to Major Trauma Centre (MTC).
Forearm Fractures (NEW)
Anatomy for Emergency Medicine:
#001 – Cervical Spine
#003 – The Ankle
#004 – LisFranc Injuries
#006.1 – Spinal Cord Injury
#006.2 – Spinal Cord Injury
#006.3 – Spinal Cord Injury
#017 – Colles Fractures
#018 – Scapholunate Injuries
#019 – Scaphoid Fractures
#020 – Shoulder: The Rotator Cuff
#022 – Shoulder: AC and SC Joints
#023 – Shoulder: Dislocations
#024 – Shoulder: Nerve Compressions
#034 – The Fingertip
We are always looking to expand the number of resources that link to the RCEM curriculum. If you would like to contribute relevant links to be included, simply fill out the form below. We endeavour to peer review all links sent to us to ensure they are of the highest educational quality.