Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Here's a selection of posters and infographics we've shared through social media or submitted to various academic conferences throughout the world. Click through each for a free poster to use in your own ED!
Posters produced by Dr Sarah Edwards, Dr Carl Leith van Heyningen, Dr Pandora Spilman-Henham, Dr Shane Fitzpatrick and Jake Fudge
Winner of Best QI Poster 🏆
Betsi Calwaladr University Health Board Quality Improvement, Innovation and Research conference, Llandudno (29-30th April 2019) #BCUQI
East Midlands School of Paediatrics conference day, Leicester (21st March 2019)
National Foundation Doctors Presentation Day, Bristol (11th January 2019)
2nd National Learning from Excellence Community Event, Birmingham (15th November 2018)
Emergency Medicine Educators Conference, Birmingham (11th June 2018)
East Midlands Emergency Medicine Conference, Derby (11th May 2018)
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health conference, Glasgow (13-15th March 2018)
Emergency Medicine Trainee' Association conference, London (30th Nov - 1st Dec 2017)
Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference, Liverpool (16-18th Oct 2017)
Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference, Bournemouth (20th-22nd Sept 2016)
Social Media and Critical Care Conference, Dublin (13-16th Jun 2016)
International Conference on Emergency Medicine, Cape Town (3rd-4th Nov 2016)
Advertising the benefits our in situ simulation programme has delivered to staff locally
Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference, Manchester (28-30th Sept 2015)
College of Emergency Medicine conference, Exeter (9th-11th Sept 2014)