Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
This Geriatric Emergency Medicine course is designed for all clinicians involved in the care of older people with frailty and urgent care needs.
It aims to deliver highly interactive teaching from experienced clinicians and international experts using case studies and small group work to complement a range of didactic learning resources available to candidates on this website to develop their knowledge ahead of the day (see 'Our Teaching Methods' below).
We will cover a range of geriatric syndromes as well as the approach to older people with frailty, adapted to the emergency or acute care context.
Older people with frailty are a growing proportion of attendees to an urgent care setting, but managing such patients well and efficiently is not widely taught in undergraduate or postgraduate settings.
This course has been built by associate members of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society (EUGEMS) to equip you with the knowledge, skills and behaviours that will help you manage these patients better. This will improve patient outcomes, but should also improve your confidence and reduce anxieties when faced with older people presenting non-specifically with multiple issues.
As well as helping you become a better clinician, we will also offer advice and support on how you can go about disseminating your newly acquired competencies amongst your colleagues and provide you with a set of learning resources designed to support you.
This course has been approved by the Federation of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 6 category 1 (external) CPD credit(s) for all attendees.
8th September 2020
Simon’s ambition is to improve outcomes for frail older people by embedding evidence-based medicine into clinical practice (‘campus to clinic’ translational research). His research addresses different models of care for frail older people, assessing feasibility as well as clinical and cost-effectiveness.
His educational activities take an interdisciplinary perspective on developing and teaching knowledge locally (frailty services), nationally (BGS) and internationally (EUGMS & EAMA). Implementation of research findings into clinical practice is key, and best exemplified by work on the Silver Book and the Acute Frailty Network.
More information on Simon's academic background can be found here.
Jay is an Emergency Physician with a special interest in caring for old people, Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Health Sciences and Academic Champion for Clinical Leadership, Department of Medical & Social Care Education, University of Leicester.
He was previously the Associate Medical Director for QI at Leicester's hospitals, Clinical Advisor and Safety Culture lead for the East Midlands Patient Safety Collaborative, Acute Care Lead for the LLR Urgent and Emergency Care Vanguard. In the past Jay led the multidisciplinary group that produced the Silver Book and more recently, led a multinational group for developing a 'Standard Set' of outcome measures in Older People for the International Consortium for Health Outcome Measurement (ICHOM), funded by NHS England.
In 2012-13, he was a Health Foundation Quality Improvement Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement and since been involved in several initiatives to develop improvement capability including the newly established Leicestershire Improvement Innovation & Patient Safety Unit (LIIPS). Previously, he also worked as a Clinical Director at the NICE funded National Collaborating Centre for Women’s & Children’s Health and led on developing NICE guidelines.
Based on the principles of “Case Method in Practice” (Christensen Center for Teaching & learning, Harvard Business School). It is described as a method that equips practitioners in managing uncertainty and (we believe) complements the principles of managing older people with non-specific multimorbidities presenting to complex care settings, such as the Emergency Department.
The role of the instructor is to serve as “planner, host, moderator, devil’s advocate, fellow-student and judge" (Chris Christensen). It is not dissimilar to what many doctors are already accustomed to learning through 'Case Based Discussions' (CBDs) in clinical medicine, although it encompasses a more holistic framework for developing metacognition.
Our three basic intentions are:
Deliver new content
Challenge students' assumptions
Create an opportunity for participants to learn about themselves
We will have 6 brief talks to summarise evidence-based management of frailty syndromes. Duration of each case is approximately 45 minutes.
Case 1: a confused older person is being managed by an FY2 at 2 am on the Gastroenterology ward as he is “ATSP”. (Focus: delirium management)
Case 2: an old lady had a fall in the garden; was eventually admitted to Acute Medicine. She is now being reviewed by the Acute Medicine ST6. (Focus: falls)
Case 3: an old lady has come in with abdominal pain. She has a history of osteoporosis, increasing back pain and immobility. She has already been seen by the Nurse Practitioner. (Focus: managing polypharmacy & adverse medication effects)
Case 4: a 90 year old man with dementia, blindness & bed-dependence is brought in with septic shock from a care home. Being seen by the ED Consultant. (Focus: end of life care)
Case 5: an old person has been brought in by family saying she passed out in church and had an episode of slurred speech and left facial drooping. Being managed by an FY2 in the ED. (Focus: syncope & TLOC)
Case 6: an old lady has been brought by ambulance to the ED with confusion and hip pain after being found on the floor of her house. (Focus: pain management & trauma assessment)
As part of a flipped classroom approach, we will be providing a wide range of learning materials for each lecture in lead-up to #LeicGEM so that every attendee can get the most out of their day!
These will comprise of videos (filmed with our own educators), interactive quizzes, podcasts and links to websites and guidelines to support you beyond this course.
Each lecture is expected to last 10 minutes + 5 minutes for questions.
‘Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment’
'Mobility & Continence'
'Falls, Fractures & Trauma'
'Infections & Sepsis'
'Transient Loss of Consciousness'
'Acute Confusion & Dementia'
'Leadership to Improve Quality of Care'
Registration (College Court Reception)
+ Welcome refreshments (Coffee Lounge)
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Syncope & Falls
Morning refreshments
(Coffee Lounge)
Pain Management
Fractures & Trauma
Sepsis & Infections
(Knighton Restaurant)
UTI & Continence
Afternoon refreshments (Coffee Lounge)
End of Life
Leadership for Improving Quality of Care
Feedback & Reflection
Looking to the Future + Close
Any questions? Contact us via email: leicgem@em3.org.uk