Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Updated: 27th Sept 2017
All of us participate in teaching and learning throughout our careers. As we progress, so should our skills at delivering education. For some this comes naturally, for others it is harder work.
““We all have to teach, but are we any good at it?””
Most of us will have experienced good and teaching and many of us will unfortunately have experienced bad teaching. The RCEM curriculum encourages us to develop our own skills and to be able to outline some of the theory behind medical education.
The content below is designed to act as an introduction to some educational theory, as well as some ideas for teaching sessions/activities we have run. Feel free to borrow any of our ideas, and if you have any comments or suggestions please get in touch as we would love to include your #FOAMed content.
This introductory handbook has been written with the novice medical teacher in mind, needing a quick rundown on how to deliver a session, and will be of use to any healthcare professional who is just starting on their educators’ journey, irrespective of their profession or intended final career. It may also serve as a quick introduction to educational theory.
The CEMENT cards (Children's Emergency Medicine Easy Note Tutorials) are a set of A-Z flashcards for delivering 5-10 minute shopfloor teaching sessions within the Paediatric Emergency Department. Using the Stop, Look, Listen and Go approach each card contains: 3 learning objectives; assessing the patient; clinical learning; and links to resources for self-directed learning.
A selection of practical games and quizzes developed to teach a variety of EM topics and foster teamwork.