Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Understand and apply the principles of ATLS/APLS to paediatric trauma management. Be able to assess the level of consciousness in a child using AVPU, GCS. Be able to interpret paediatric spinal x-rays and their common abnormalities.
View curriculum for PMP4
A collection of regional video presentations given at our recent virtual PEM study day on all things paediatric minor injury-related!
A large muscular 15-year-old adolescent is walked in by hospital security clutching a blood-soaked sheet with a knife sticking out his right leg.
In situ simulation is integral to supporting improvement and safety in the high-risk area of emergency medicine.
Multi-vehicle road traffic accident with side on collision. 8-year-old in rear passenger seat. C-spine immobilised, pain identified in left chest, left lower abdomen and left hip.
SCIWORA: Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiological Abnormality accounts for 6-19% of spinal cord injuries in children, and 9-14% in adults.
A 1-year-old is brought in by ambulance after he started fitting at home. Paramedics have given one dose of Diazepam.
Day 3 of our PEST Day #Simblogs: Know Your Final Destination
It's time for more Paediatric Emergency Simulation Training (aka PEST). Five MDT cases all in one day!
A 12-month-old is brought to the ED by paramedics after mum lost her balance and poured a kettle full of boiling water over the child’s face and chest.
14-year-old pedestrian hit by a van in hit & run incident at at least 40mph. Loss of consciousness at scene. Scooped & ran as felt too unstable for transfer to Major Trauma Centre (MTC).
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is a diagnosis not to miss. But is it more of a headache than a help?
Approx 30 y/o male, he is a cyclist hit by a car, no helmet worn. En-route his left pupil has become fixed and dilated.
A 16-year-old female hit by van travelling in excess of 40mph. Knocked out at scene. Scoop and run by EMAS.
Renal Trauma (NEW)
'A' is for Airway 🎧
'B' is for Breathing 🎧
'C' is for Circulation 🎧
'D' is for Disability 🎧
'E' for Exposure 🎧
We are always looking to expand the number of resources that link to the RCEM curriculum. If you would like to contribute relevant links to be included, simply fill out the form below. We endeavour to peer review all links sent to us to ensure they are of the highest educational quality.