Lightning Learning: Tuberculosis
““There are between 5000-6000 new TB cases every year in England (UK), with those in lower socioeconomic environments being most at risk.””
There are between 5000-6000 new TB cases every year in England (UK)
Who is at risk?
Recent residence in an endemic country, low socioeconomic status, ethnic minorities homelessness, institutional living (e.g. prisons, homeless shelters), young and very old, those who are immunosuppressed.
General symptoms
Lack of appetite and weight loss
High fever
Drenching night sweats
Extreme tiredness or fatigue
Pulmonary TB symptoms
A persistent cough lasting more than 3 weeks +/- haemoptysis +/- sputum
Gradual breathlessness
Extrapulmonary TB Symptoms
Abdominal pain
Joint pain in affected joint
Persistent headache
If you think someone has TB in the ED – isolate them ASAP!
If this is a new diagnosis of TB consider checking HIV status (with patients permission). TB is the most common AIDS-defining illness, and this may be the first suggestion that a patient had HIV.
Consult local guidance for latest management.
- NICE: Tuberculosis guidelines (NG33)
- Radiopaedia: Radiology of Tuberculosis
- BTS: MDR-TB Clinical Advice Service