Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Prioritises the patient’s wishes encompassing their beliefs, concerns expectations and needs.
View curriculum for CC6
Last week we delivered our revised HST teaching day focused on mental health-related presentations in the ED. This blog contains a full teaching package needed to run an enjoyable training day.
You’ve arrived on shift and the patient handed over to you is suddenly looking worse… Don’t you wish someone had made a plan?
ReSPECT is a framework for discussion & documentation about emergency treatment, including CPR in adults and children.
For patients with a life-limiting condition, the outcome of treatment may be uncertain. Patients will often have priorities which are not always about living longer.
There are many regular yet critical medications that MUST be given to patients whilst in the Emergency Department. Time is of the essence.
18-year-old (???) male, tonic clonic seizure >20 minutes. Unresponsive. Known cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
86-year-old woman who was last seen by family 2 days ago is brought into the ED. No package of care. Found by daughter on the living room floor.
An introduction to the aspects of End of Life Care in the ED using the End of Life Jigsaw from Northampton General Hospital.
Here's a quick starter's guide on using the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in the ED.
Recognition of frailty is important in planning any intervention. Find out how by using the Clinical Frailty Scale.
A 35 year old female presents to the ED with a 2-hour history of palpitations. Time to REVERT her.
A 20-year-old presents to your ED with a history of fever and sweats. Don't forget their travel history!
Some patients are not going to get better, but there is still plenty you can do for them...
A 1-year-old is brought in by ambulance after he started fitting at home. Paramedics have given one dose of Diazepam.
"A 15 year old girl is brought through to the triage nurse by a concerned receptionist."
It's time for more Paediatric Emergency Simulation Training (aka PEST). Five MDT cases all in one day!
Your latest patient has walked into Urgent Care with palpitations and is in a Broad Complex Tachycardia…
Approx. 18 year old Male, witnessed to collapse and have a seizure in town. When he wakes up he tells you he is only 15!
80-year-old female. Found unwell by relatives and slightly drowsy. Feeling low since husband died 6 months earlier. Hx of having taken OD.