Lightning Learning: Bronchiolitis in Children (2021)
Bronchiolitis is a viral respiratory tract infection affecting the lower airways.
Signs & symptoms?
Children up to 2 years (most commonly <12 months) with…
- Cough & coryzal prodrome
- Tachypnoea +/- chest recession
- Wheeze or crackles
- Fever (usually <39°C)
Consider alternate diagnosis?
Pneumonia… fever >39°C and/or focal crackles
Congenital Heart Defects… SpO2 not responding to O2 and/or signs of congestive heart failure
When to admit?
Apnoeas (observed or reported).
Persistent O2 sats in room air…
- <92% if under 6 weeks
- <90% if over 6 weeks
Decreased oral fluid intake <50% normal volume.
Persisting severe respiratory distress or RR >70/min.
- Treatment?
- O2 supplementation
- Consider CPAP for impending respiratory failure
- NG feeds if not tolerating by mouth
- IV fluids if not tolerating NG feeds or impending respiratory failure
Safety net advice...
Symptoms often peak day 3-5, caregivers should represent if concerned about their child.
Provide both verbal and written advice.
- Local bronchiolitis guideline (UHL)
- National bronchiolitis guidance (NICE)
- Safety netting for bronchiolitis (Don't Forget The Bubbles)