Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
The trainee will be able to assess and manage appropriately, patients who present with complex medical and social needs or who manifest as one of the frailty syndromes.
Polypharmacy can increase the risk of drug interactions and adverse reactions. The STOPP/START criteria is validated to help reduce inappropriate prescriptions amongst older people.
One of the biggest challenges that we face in Emergency Medicine is that of breaking bad news to a patient’s next of kin (NOK) over the telephone rather than in person.
For patients with a life-limiting condition, the outcome of treatment may be uncertain. Patients will often have priorities which are not always about living longer.
#SimPall is a series of palliative simulations based around End of Life, Frailty and Uncertain Prognosis with the aim of making clinicians feel more confident having these conversations in the ED.
People in the last days and hours of life may experience a spectrum of distressing physical symptoms. Find out what you can prescribe to help bring relief at this crucial time.
Many palliative patients have frequent contact with hospital services in their last year of life. Ensure your patient has a GREAT discharge by following our guide.
Around 1-in-3 older patients admitted as an emergency will die within 12 months of admission. However, many will benefit from a palliative approach to care alongside their treatment.
There are many regular yet critical medications that MUST be given to patients whilst in the Emergency Department. Time is of the essence.
Poster submission by Dr Iryna Yelinevich & Dr Aisha Fareed for the #EM2C2018 conference
An introduction to the aspects of End of Life Care in the ED using the End of Life Jigsaw from Northampton General Hospital.
Some patients are not going to get better, but there is still plenty you can do for them...
80-year-old female. Found unwell by relatives and slightly drowsy. Feeling low since husband died 6 months earlier. Hx of having taken OD.
86 y/o female. Fall from standing hitting her chest against a set of drawers. Has been on the floor for 24 hrs.
Stealth Trauma is when a low impact mechanism can cause severe injuries in frail older people.
79-year-old man from a nursing home found unresponsive by staff this morning. Off his food yesterday.
9-month-old unwell & febrile at 39deg , HR 190, peripherally shut down & lethargic.
We are always looking to expand the number of resources that link to the RCEM curriculum. If you would like to contribute relevant links to be included, simply fill out the form below. We endeavour to peer review all links sent to us to ensure they are of the highest educational quality.