Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Pelvic Pain & Vaginal Bleeding [Case #2]
“A 25 year old female presents to the ED complaining of LIF pain and PV bleeding. Her LMP was 8/52 ago. Urinary pregnancy test performed at triage was positive.”
HR: 105
BP: 100/55
Temp: 36
SpO2: 99%
Answer one question before attending the face-to-face teaching session. Add comments to answers already given if you think it's appropriate. The first part of teaching will be spent discussing this case:
What is your differential diagnosis?
Name 3 blood test you would perform in the ED
Give 4 risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
Outline how you would manage a suspected ectopic pregnancy in the ED
What treatment strategies are available for management of ectopic pregnancy?
List 3 circumstances when Anti-D immunoglobulin should be given to rhesus negative women in early pregnancy
Give 2 scenarios in which Anti-D is not required in Rh neg women with bleeding in early pregnancy
What is the correct dose and administration route of Anti-D for this patient?