Suicide, Poisoning & Mental Health [Case #1]
“A 70 year old gentleman was brought by his family to the ED, he has taken an overdose of his own medications (antihypertensives, metformin, aspirin). He states he is fed up with his life...”
His wife died four years ago and he does not wish to carry on. He was assessed in the assessment bay and TOXBASE® was used to calculate that he has not taken a harmful dose of anything. He has never presented to the ED with mental health or self harm before. He now states he is going to leave and does not want any more help.
Answer one question before attending the face-to-face teaching session. Add comments to answers already given if you think it's appropriate. The first part of teaching will be spent discussing this case:
How would you assess his further risk of self harm?
Security ask you if he has capacity, what would you tell them?
How would you manage this situation?
Before he could be stopped he left the department and cannot be found, what would you do next?
If he had taken a harmful dose of something would this change your approach?
How many components of the SADPERSONS score can you recall?