I know about meditation, but what is medEDitation?

Simply speaking, medEDitation is meditation for medics. In our highly challenging, stressful and mentally tiring atmosphere, we need to contemplate our shift by the end of play.

The medEDitation tool gives an opportunity to celebrate our work by simply asking us to reflect on “happy events” that occurred during the day’s work.

Sounds interesting. But do I really need medEDitation?

In ED, we go through a lot in a single shift. In our routine work, we resuscitate, fix broken bones, repair wounds, shock hearts, manipulate limbs, sedate, anaesthetise, intubate and control haemorrhages.

We give directions to others, make decisions, lead teams, multi-task, manage flow, listen and address complaints, we educate, inspire and innovate when the time is short.

The very nature of our job means we break bad news, shed tears, smile, support, starve & stretch our bladders to limit. It is easy to get overwhelmed with inauspicious and overlook the promises of ED.

To rejoice our successes daily and to revitalise our focus, it is essential to medEDitate.

I think I definitely need it, but how exactly do I medEDitate?

All you need is to flex your fingers and have access to internet.

The medEDitation form comprises of three questions which can be completed using any computer (www.em3.org.uk/meditate) or smart phone. You can stay anonymous if you wish. A copy of a form will be sent to your inbox to be used as a reflection for your E-portfolio if you require.

Using internet browser on smart phones, visit www.em3.org.uk/medEDitate and can click dropdown menu at the top right corner to add a shortcut to your mobile phone desktop for ease of access. Or simply, bookmark the link or add to favourites.

So, let’s cheer up. Let us celebrate our work and speciality. Let us meditate with medEDitate tool.