Lightning Learning: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Lightning Learning: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

AAA is the enlargement of the aortic diameter >1.5 times normal and often an incidental finding. But there’s an 85-99% mortality rate!
— advice is based on local guidelines & procedures


AAA is the enlargement of the aortic diameter >1.5 times normal, or any infrarenal aorta >3 cm diameter. Often an incidental finding!

Normal infrarenal diameter: 1.5cm in women, 1.7cm in men

Risk factors include: Male gender, Smoking, Age, Obesity, Family history, Connective tissue disease

Suprarenal: visceral artery involvement

Pararenal: renal artery involvement

Infrarenal: begins below renal arteries (85% of AAAs)


Usually asymptomatic until rupture. 85-99% mortality. BEWARE ATYPICAL PRESENTATIONS!

Signs/symptoms include:

  • Sudden onset abdominal and back pain

  • Palpable abdominal mass

  • Features of lower limb ischaemia

  • Hypotension

Low threshold for consideration in all elderly patients with sudden onset abdominal, back or flank pain.

Bedside ultrasound can be useful to assess aortic size.

Early surgical involvement is important.

Further Reading

Lightning Learning: Intussusception

Lightning Learning: Intussusception

Lightning Learning: Liquitabs

Lightning Learning: Liquitabs