EM Leaders: The Value of Feedback

EM Leaders: The Value of Feedback

Module Two: External Self-Awareness

The Value of Feedback & External Self-Awareness (icon).png

We mentioned in a previous blog that understanding who we are involves both internal and external self-awareness. We’ve touched on improving our internal self-awareness already, so let’s now talk about external self-awareness.

External self-awareness is understanding how we are perceived by others. This can vary enormously depending on the context you and those around you are in. We behave differently in different situations. Think of the difference between the work ‘you’ and the home ‘you’, how you might behave in an interview versus how you might behave when socialising with close friends.

Having good self-awareness means that you are being perceived in a way that’s ideal for you. This means that you are more likely to get on with others, be respected and be a positive influence.

People are notoriously bad at understanding how others view them as we all like to believe that we are both likeable and liked. We might not know how others perceive us unless we ask them, which is where feedback comes in.

EM Leaders Framework reference: (3.5) Developing excellence within your team: Identifying context to become an EM Leader

This concludes Module Two: Leading Self. Please complete the short survey below which we will be sending out at the beginning and end of each module to see if these quick teaching topics have been beneficial. Many thanks for your time and attention.

Queries, questions and comments are always gratefully received. Please send feedback to: kate.russ@uhl-tr.nhs.uk

HEEM EM Leaders Team: Kate Russ, Liz Saunders, Frank Coffey, Venkat Kotamraju

EM Leaders: Leading Teams

EM Leaders: Leading Teams

EM Leaders: Imposter Syndrome

EM Leaders: Imposter Syndrome