Lightning Learning: Need a Paed CT?
““It’s always important to remember when considering a CT – there is no safe low level of radiation exposure.””
Paediatric trauma scares people, but it’s actually pretty rare.
Under 16’s made up just under 6.21% of trauma patients and ⅕ are under 1 years of age.
Road traffic accidents = most common mechanism, followed by falls.
Children under 1 = head injury.
CT is the primary investigation for paediatric head injury but not all head injured children require a CT brain.
The majority of paediatric trauma patients are first seen in mixed Emergency Departments, therefore are not seen in major trauma centres.
There is no safe low level of radiation exposure!
Keep exposure of ionising radiation to a minimum due to real significant and higher cancer risks of CT imaging in younger age groups.
Follow the ALARA principle:
Pan-Scan is not appropriate in children.
Further Reading
- UHL: Paediatric Trauma Imaging Decision Tool (local)
- UHL: Safeguarding Children Policy (local)
- NICE: Major Trauma – Initial Assessment and Management
- NICE: Head Injury guidelines
- TARN: Trauma Audit & Research Network
- St.Emlyn's: Paediatric Trauma blogs
- RCR: Paediatric Trauma Protocols
- RCEM: Paediatric Trauma – Stabilisation of the Cervical Spine