#PEST2021: Paediatric Emergency Simulation Training day

#PEST2021: Paediatric Emergency Simulation Training day

“The more I practice, the luckier I get.”
— Gary Player

On our annual PEST day, we welcome colleagues from emergency medicine, paediatrics, anaesthetics as well as nurses and ACP’s to our simulation lab to run a full day of high fidelity scenarios. Whilst we simulate paediatric emergencies and drills each week, the inter-departmental collaboration between specialties and support on the day from 5 paediatric emergency medicine (PEM) consultants contributing their experience to each debrief and case discussion makes this event so enjoyable for trainees. PEST day is not an assessment, but a safe space to improve the practical application of our knowledge which we then apply in our roles within the department.

Feedback from the day

“A lot of effort clearly goes into organising these sessions with amazing buy-in from the ED consultant body. Thanks so much for welcoming us and organising everything.”

“Great faculty and really well designed day”.

“Thank you to the organisers, very supportive team”.

PEST Case 1: What lies beneath…

PEST Case 1: What lies beneath…

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Lightning Learning: Bronchiolitis in Children (2021)