#SimBlog: PEST Day 2016

#SimBlog: PEST Day 2016

“Isn’t it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do: practice?”
— George Carlin

We held our latest Paediatric Simulation Day on the 22nd April (the previous day was blogged here). It was attended by 32 members of medical and nursing staff from a variety of specialties including Paediatric ED, Anaesthetics, Adult ED and Paediatric Intensive Care.

Feedback continues to be very positive (percentages stated are for those strongly agreeing or agreeing with the following statements):

  • I found the overall experience of the simulation session useful = 97%

  • I found the scenarios realistic = 97%

  • The simulations improved my clinical knowledge = 100%

  • The simulations improved my team working skills = 94%

In total we ran 5 simulations using a mix of high fidelity manikins, as well as facilitators with an enthusiasm for acting to create realistic scenarios.

Video links were set up so that those not actively participating in the patient management could observe and discuss witnessed behaviours with a facilitator present.

A debrief involving the whole group then followed, highlighting key learning themes.

Non-technical skills training in the NHS has derived many of its building blocks from models and practices initially designed by the aviation industry. While there is debate as to how much can be truly compared between the industries there were a few aviation analogies that described our learning outcomes very well. 

We will be releasing a summary of each of the cases everyday this week (there will be an updating set of links at the bottom of each post).

Edit & Peer Review by Jamie Sillett and Damian Roland
Image credit: Parent Map
PEST Case 1: Horizon Scanning

PEST Case 1: Horizon Scanning

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#SimBlog: Simple Case, Complex Environment