Weakness, Paralysis & Falls [Case #1]

Weakness, Paralysis & Falls [Case #1]

A 62 year old gentleman has come to your department. This morning his wife noticed he had slurring of his speech ad he reports his right arm feeling heavy and weak. This lasted for around an hour and has now completely resolved.

He has a past medical history of diabetes (type 2) and he is on metformin and something for his blood pressure. He has no allergies. Your examination finds no neurology or other abnormality and his blood work and ECG are normal.


Answer one question before attending the face-to-face teaching session. Add comments to answers already given if you think it's appropriate. The first part of teaching will be spent discussing this case:

  1. What is the definition of a stroke?

  2. What is the definition of a TIA?

  3. Define the term crescendo TIA.

  4. Outline the rosier score and what would this man have scored at the time of his symptoms.

  5. What are the components of the ABCD2 Score and what is it used for?

  6. What should you prescribe for this gentleman?

  7. What advice would you give him about driving and how would this differ if he drove HGVs?

Weakness, Paralysis & Falls [Case #2]

Weakness, Paralysis & Falls [Case #2]

Head, Neck & Back Injury [Case #2]

Head, Neck & Back Injury [Case #2]